The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following:
Proper footwear shall be worn to school. Sandals are permitted in all classes except the following:
Classes that work in a shop, construction type area
Cooking lab
Science lab
Physical education: tennis shoes are required
Bathroom slippers (without a hard sole) or footwear not intended for outdoor wear are specifically prohibited. Any shoes that are deemed unsafe are prohibited.
Excessively baggy or sagging clothing is not permitted.
Hats, caps, bandanas or any other head gear are not permitted without principal permission.
Clothes and jeans with holes are not permitted.
Clothing made of transparent or see-through materials may not be worn. Any clothing revealing undergarments is not permitted.
Shorts may be worn provided they reach the length requirement. The general guidelines for dress/skirt and short length shall be no shorter than 3” from the top of the knee cap when standing and the dress, skirt or shorts are worn at the natural waist.
Tights, or leggings may not be worn without shorts or a skirt that is acceptable under the dress code guidelines, over the top. Tights and leggings will be defined as any article of clothing that is intended as an undergarment, or a “pant’ that does not have pockets.
No spaghetti straps (straps must be 2” wide), low-cut, backless, racer back, crop tops, halters, or midriffs will be allowed. The material must cover the midriff while stretching and reaching.
Hair shall not be cut in mohawks, logos, symbols, manes, tails, words, etc., and unnatural colors will not be allowed. Hair styles should not obstruct the vision of the student (above the eye brow). The hair length for boys shall not exceed the top of the collar of a button-down collared shirt. Neither sideburns nor the hair length should fall below the bottom of the earlobe.
Boys shall be clean shaven. It is the responsibility of the student to be clean shaven before he enters the building.
Boys’ shirts must have sleeves.
Dark glasses (sunglasses) are only to be worn in the building only upon written request of a physician or permission from the principal. Otherwise, sunglasses should not be visible.
Body piercings, except pierced ears for girls, is prohibited. Boys shall not wear earrings.
No visible tattoos, body art or brandings. It is the responsibility of the student to cover tattoos, body art and brandings before entering the building.
Clothing displaying vulgar or unsuitable language or pictures/logos of drugs, tobacco, alcohol or drinking establishments may not be worn.
Any dress code situation that arises that is not listed will be handled at the discretion of administration.
Dress Code will be enforced for all students participating in extra-curricular activities (school sponsored trips, travel to and from games etc.).
If the principal determines that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student will be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day, until the problem is corrected, or until a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school. Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Acceptable Jeans

Unacceptable Jeans